I Spoke too Soon, 19/20 & Other Stuff

While I am still a believer of my skin care cocktail...I got a little too cocky, too fast.  I was a little too aggressive with my shower pouf on Tuesday and sang a high note when I discovered some raw skin.  Underwires will be put away and I will be slathering on more lotion for awhile.

Wednesday I took Nolan and and a buddy to Adventureland...I really don't LOVE Adventureland...until Wednesday.  I turned Nolan and his friend loose, bought myself a clam shell cabana for the day, relaxed, read my book, people watched, sang along to pool music and did a few laps in the lazy river.  It. was. glorious.  I felt a pang of sadness about Nolan growing up when we arrived and the train whistled, but that was VERY short lived.  Jason was shocked I didn't ride any rides.  I laughed at him.

Today was radiation 19!  I met with Dr. Bodine, he will see me again in a month (September 5...it's a choir day...ugh!), and then again in 6 months.  If all looks good then, I will see him at Trailridge events....with a shirt on!

Working through my "To Do" list as summer ticks down.  The only thing good is that routine will help me sleep better...although a day at Adventureland also made me sleep!

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