
Showing posts from January, 2025

I lied....

 Remember how excited I was?  How giddy?  Welp.  It was short lived.  I went to school on 1/17.  Kids had the day off, it was a teacher work day.  It felt good to be there.  That evening I chaperoned Nolan's show choir at Waukee's Starstruck, and LOVED every minute.  (Apparently Nolan did not, as he said "no" when I asked if I could chaperone the others.) Monday arrived along with MLK Day, the Inauguration (talk about injustice), and Sunday Scary's (on a Monday)- that was the end of my excitement.  Until we were given a late start for cold temperatures...then my greed kicked in, and I hoped for the full day.  Alas, I had to face the music and felt lucky to be eased in!  Tuesday, my voice felt trashed- Apparently I talk more in the summer than I did over leave.  By Wednesday evening I was drinking Airborne and was swearing that surely I did NOT feel the need to constantly cough.  Thursday I was held together by Mucinex...


 I am EXCITED to go to work tomorrow!  When is the last time I've said that!?!  I do love my job, I can't imagine doing anything else, BUT I can't remember the last time I was actually EXCITED about going!  (I REALLY like not working.) Dr. Massey gave the okay to return to normal activity. This morning I rowed for about 15 minutes, and this afternoon I visited the chiropractor. So, where is the giddiness coming from?  I think maybe I'm feeling like all of this is finally over!  Yes, I will have follow-up appointments for the rest of my life, but I think I'm feeling like I'm FINALLY officially on the other side! I'm feeling good, last Friday was a crummy day, and it freaked me out.  I've given myself some pep talks- I DO have sick days I can use if I need to.  I HAVE gone to school feeling less than perfect.   Now, as I said, I LOVE NOT WORKING!  I'm not someone who ever gets bored, and I found plenty to do while recovering. I read 9...


I feel like I can finally ring in a NEW year and breathe a little least for the next 6 months!  Today I had my 6 month follow up mammogram and appointment with Dr. Torstensen.  This appointment has been on my radar for a long time- scanxiety is no joke.  We woke up to a snow squall warning-I HATE winter driving- so that added to my morning concern.  I was only almost hit once.  Check in was fast and before long I was back in gowned waiting.  The new gowns were a horrible camel color that looks good on no one (surely ordered by a man). Today my mammogram technician told me that mammograms after surgery are more painful and I can confirm, she is correct.  She took about 453 images on both breasts, which is good I guess. Then I waited for the radiologist to look things over....while I waited I thought to myself- if something comes back at least I know what to expect, I'm a pro.  And then the tech came back and told me they wanted to do an...