I lied....
Remember how excited I was? How giddy? Welp. It was short lived. I went to school on 1/17. Kids had the day off, it was a teacher work day. It felt good to be there. That evening I chaperoned Nolan's show choir at Waukee's Starstruck, and LOVED every minute. (Apparently Nolan did not, as he said "no" when I asked if I could chaperone the others.) Monday arrived along with MLK Day, the Inauguration (talk about injustice), and Sunday Scary's (on a Monday)- that was the end of my excitement. Until we were given a late start for cold temperatures...then my greed kicked in, and I hoped for the full day. Alas, I had to face the music and felt lucky to be eased in! Tuesday, my voice felt trashed- Apparently I talk more in the summer than I did over leave. By Wednesday evening I was drinking Airborne and was swearing that surely I did NOT feel the need to constantly cough. Thursday I was held together by Mucinex...