Do you have family history of breast cancer?  

No.  I am not aware of any blood relatives who have had breast cancer.  My mom has had 4 Melanomas in situ.  I am having genetic testing because of her melanomas and because I am under 50.  We are hoping for very. boring. test. results.

Did they find this during a mammogram, or did you feel a lump?

I had my yearly mammogram on August 29.  At that mammogram they saw something irregular and did an ultrasound.  They decided they'd like to look again in 6 months.  Getting things scheduled between Iowa Clinic and Mercy for the follow up was kind-of a nightmare, so 6 months became 7.  On March 29 I had another mammogram and ultra sound.  They weren't sure what they were looking at, but it was still there, so I had the biopsy on April 8.  A stereotactic biopsy, guided by mammogram.  Once I got over the fear, it was pretty fascinating.  THANK YOU SCIENCE!

A little back history.  I had a breast biopsy when I was 8 weeks pregnant with Nolan (totally terrifying-we hadn't told anyone I was pregnant so kept that whole ordeal a secret), but that was a core biopsy and it ended up being a fibroadenoma, probably caused by crazy hormones.  

I also have dense breasts, I don't know what a "normal" breast feels like, but mine are weird, so I had the "privilege" of experiencing mammograms before age 40.  

I haven't met a single person who has said, "I LOVE having a mammogram."  But.....do it anyway!  It's not horrible, the radiologists and technicians are amazing and have SEEN IT ALL!  And....it can save your life.

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