I just sent this email to 120 EDUCATORS.   With the subject title It Takes a Villiage.  VILLIAGE.  I. AM. MORTIFIED.  Parent Square says it updated, but you KNOW they all saw it!  For the LOVE!

Hi All,

This is a crummy email to write, but I wanted everyone to have the same information at the same time.  I’ve always been a pretty open book, and that’s not about to change….

Wednesday afternoon I received a Breast Cancer diagnosis.  (Mammogram August 29, Mammogram March 29, Biopsy April 8, Diagnosis April 10)  Luckily I was able to meet with a surgeon today.  Here’s what we know now:  I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 1, Nottingham grade 1, Estrogen and Progesterone: Positive, HER2: Equivical.  I don’t know what all of these things mean, but maybe you do….and I’ll learn.   My treatment (as of now) will be an MRI and Genetic testing next week (the first grade concert is going to be JUST fine).  When the tests come back (2 weeks) if the plan is the same, I will have a physical and a lumpectomy.  4-8 weeks after the lumpectomy I will have 3-4 weeks of radiation.  I’m working with the Katzmann Breast Center, and they have been amazing so far.  My surgeon is Dr. Torstenson.  Her kids go to Sugar Creek.  With the information we have right now, if we must do this, the pathology report is as positive as it could be!  

I’m going to get better at saying “no” and asking for help.  If I seem out of it…now you’ll know why.  

What do I need right now?  

  1. Prayers, good vibes, happy thoughts, energy, love.  Sprinkle that stuff everywhere.  
  2. I’m making a list of people who have fought this battle to read through, honor and give me strength.  I’d love to add your people to my list, send me their names!  
  3. The brand of a good, comfortable, sports bra because I have had to wear one 24 hours a day for 4 days and it is NOT pleasant.

My family lives in Waukee, Jason’s family lives in West Des Moines.  We have an incredible network of support.

Thank YOU for being my people.  Please don’t tiptoe around me, ask me anything you’re wondering.  

I might need you more than I ever have, and if that comes, I know my tribe will be there.  It takes a village and I am so thankful you’re a part of mine.

Ann Swenson

P.S. I think I may write a blog… A. BLOG.  Remember when we had to have blogs for school?  I thought the world was ending.  I’m lucky to still be employed.  If someone would have told me that I would be blogging by choice I would have laughed in their face.  So…  

     4. If anyone knows anything about setting up a BLOG, hook me up.

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