Jason: May is always so busy! Ann: Hold my beer!


Today we met with the breast surgeon at Katzmann Breast Center.  Dr. Torstenson.  A lot of people call her Dr. T, but names are important, so I'm trying to say it so I don't forget.  I've heard amazing things about her!

The "official" report is maybe not as good as yesterday's "unofficial" report, but I'm still feeling good and positive about it all.  

I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.  Stage 1.  Nottingham grade: I (of III) which is good.  The tumor is 1cm.  It is positive for Estrogen and Progesterone.  HER2 is equivocal so I will have a FISH test.  I need to Google that.  Apparently I ALSO have Ductal carcinoma in situ, but she brushed over that like it was nothing....so I will, too.  

Jason took notes as fast as possible, and I need to review those as well.  

For now, here's the plan.  I will have an MRI in the morning on Tuesday.  That will be facedown, and I will have an IV.  My mom says being in an MRI machine sounds like Orff percussion, so I'm kind of excited about it....not the IV, but I need to get used to needles!  Tuesday afternoon I have genetic testing because I'm under 50 and mom has had 4 melanomas in situ.  We NEED these test results to come back BORING!  

Wednesday morning I'm getting my IUD out.  (TMI? You should probably stop reading now, because I'm betting it will only get worse.) She said because my tumor is estrogen/progesterone positive we don't need the Mirena to feed the tumor.  Done!  Get it out!

The MRI results will come back in a couple days, the genetic testing in a couple WEEKS.  UGH!  If those things are boring (meaning they don't show any other cancer or I don't have the BRCA gene) the plan is as follows:

Schedule a lumpectomy.  Until Wednesday I was someone who would say or think, "Why would ANYONE ever have a lumpectomy!?!  If I ever have Breast Cancer I'd just have them cut off!"  Wellllllllll.....here we are.  And...while it's only 3 days later, now I know more.  I'll come back to this decision soon.  I will schedule a lumpectomy where they will also take a couple of lymph nodes to test and have a pre-op physical before that.  Then I will have radiation 4-8 weeks after surgery.  Radiation will be 3-4 weeks.  After radiation I will be on an anti-estrogen pill for 5-15 years.  

I asked Dr. Torstensen what SHE would do (lumpectomy/mastectomy)if she were in my shoes or what she would recommend for her mother or her daughter.  She said she would have the lumpectomy.  Here's why: 

    1.  With all of the treatments above- radiation and Tamoxifen the chance of reoccurance is 6-8%. 

    2.  I'd be imaged every year...I'm betting more for awhile.

    3.  It's really not necessary to take the whole breast.

    4.  Recovery will be much quicker.

If I have a mastectomy 2-3% of my breast tissue would remain and, with reconstruction I wouldn't have imaging.  So how would I know if something were growing?!  All this said if the MRI and genetic testing says they need to come off.  We will do what needs to be done.  AND if it doesn't and I am in the 6-8% peace out bitches.....or so I say now....

Everyone was lovely and kind.  Kali my Nurse Navigator, Dr. Torstenson, Corinna, the lady who will do all of my scheduling.  She might be my favorite.  I HATE MAKING PHONE CALLS!  Right now, I do not feel like I need to get a second opinion.

After the appointment Jason and I went to HomeGrown for brunch as we've always wanted to try it.  We decided that when we go to appointments together we will do something fun, too.  While there we started playing with our calendar....if I can have the surgery in May, we think Europe will still work out!  AND I can start radiation RIGHT when we get back.  I KNOW my health and life are more important than our intergenerational trip, but I'm REALLY looking forward to it.  If we must cancel/postpone we will, but NOT YET.  Then we had a beer at Big Grove and toasted "to sickness and health."

Side bar- May in the life of a teacher is crazy.  Add in baseball season starting, other extra curriculars of Nolan's, Jason's and Nolan's birthdays, Mother's Day and graduations, it's a busy month for all of us!  Hold my beer....

On the way home we stopped at Jason's parent's house, I hadn't seen them since the "news," so I wanted them to see me not dying, and in good spirits.  Then home for the family golf tournament....The Masters.  I wrote emails to staff (with typos), and then I went to Biaggi's with Council 7 and to ISEA Delegate Assembly.  I hugged many people I love in my ISEA family and then I probably should have left because I tipped over a huge glass of water on my table, I was constantly texting and responding to email...not present at all.  I left early.  I hope I can celebrate Mary Jane's retirement with her sometime....

Today was a good day.

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