Just What the Doctor Ordered


I need more weekends like this weekend.  Comfy clothes, few plans and a mix of relaxation and productivity.

This morning I wrote sub plans for Tuesday afternoon, looked at things for the 5th grade concert and did some WEA work.  Jason made us brunch and I continued working on laundry.

I drummed at Whispers, laughed a lot, succeeded at a tricky rhythm, and celebrated with shots!

I met the Advent Wine Women at Saints where other members of my Brookview/Waukee family also happened to be.  I received some unexpected, encouraging hugs....damnit, I wasn't going to cry tonight!  A little background on the Advent Wine Women- the text group was finally named because we got wine advent calendars one year...and the rest is history...I will refer to them as AWW from now on.

My favorite thing about the AWW is that we can text all day long and get together and talk about anything and everything, go home and continue texting.  The same was true for tonight.  It's hard to find a time that works for all of us to actually get together, and typically we DREAD Sunday nights, but perhaps that's because we've been doing them wrong!!  Tonight was just what the doctor ordered.  We talked about heavy things, light things, we laughed, we ate sweet potato fries, I left feeling thankful, joyful and lighter.  I love them so much!

And now to fold a mountain of laundry.

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