Let People Be Jesus to You

Perhaps you're thinking,"wait, didn't Ann say she was on a 'faith journey?'  Why is 'Let People Be Jesus to You' the title of this blog post?"  Yes.  Let me explain.  Earlier this week I received an email from my friend Robin, that said, "let people be Jesus to you.....They have been called and do not turn them away."  For some reason that comment hit me like a ton of bricks.  

I've been able to feel SO much love and care in the last 2 weeks it is hard to wrap my brain around.  My family has been outstanding at a time when I know they are also so scared.  They have poured their love into me.  My friends (I'm not going to say 'and colleagues' here because they are also my friends), have spoiled me, acted interested, celebrated and cried with me.  The medical professionals I have met so far have hugged me, let me cry, make bad jokes, told me the truth, taught me new things and have seen me VERY vulnerable.🙈  ALL of these people have been Jesus to me, and I know there will be so many more before this journey is done.

AND, while I am NOT dying...(though my dad would probably say-"aren't we all?"), this has been another reminder....don't wait to tell people what they mean to you until it's too late.  It's really not that hard, and it means a lot!

Now for some more good news!  The genetics coming back at 12:08AM NEGATIVE were a HUGE boost!  Then Kali, my nurse navigator, called at 11:30 to tell me that the lymph node was NEGATIVE!  Tallulah, the 5mm spot on the left that lit up in the MRI, is a pre-cancerous, atypical lobular hyperplasia.  Google doesn't make this sound scary. So...Talullah's still an evil bitch, but maybe not AS evil as she could be.  

Dr. Torstenson wasn't in the office today, so hasn't looked things over to see if we need a new plan of attack, but I did ask Kali, in her experience, what SHE thought this would mean for me.  She thought Dr. T might want to take Tallulah out, but that it probably wouldn't fully change course!  HALLELUJAH!  

What's next? Dr. Torstenson will look at the pathology and genetics tomorrow then Kali will call me about next steps.  Kali guesses we will have another meeting for planning purposes as we prepare for surgery, then we can schedule surgery!  

If you can't tell, my hopes are back up for Plan A 2.0!  Remove Tabitha and Tallulah, they'll probably remove Lymphadora (HP fans, see what I did there?), and biopsy other lymph nodes, then EUROPE, then radiation, then Tamoxifen.  

Over the weekend I kind of prepped myself for everything coming back bad, needing chemo and a mastectomy.  (Plan B). So, if Dr. T comes back tomorrow and says that's what we're doing, I might need a minute.

I don't know if it's the Starbucks, the Tropical Smoothie with Energizer, the 9 hours of sleep I got last night, or getting GOOD news, but tonight....we celebrate!!!🎉

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