On Wednesdays we wear pink?


I am exhausted.  Of course this makes me think there's something else wrong with me when it's probably the trauma of the last 2 weeks.  I don't throw the word trauma around lightly...is that what this is?  Has it really been 2 weeks!  I skipped a meeting tonight, and came right home for ice packs and a 90 minute nap.  It's 8:02 and I'm laying in bed.  I've been sleeping okay at night, this is just bizarre.

No new results.  Still waiting.  I am so hopeful that yesterday's biopsies were out of an abundance of caution and the genetics are all negative.

Now, my new interesting annoyance:  Pink.  Pink hasn't ever been my favorite color.  I usually keep one pink top in my closet at a time.  Over spring break I had my toe nails painted light pink and now I look down and feel angry.  What made me choose that color?  (It's time for a pedicure.)  I know the camaraderie of the light pink ribbon is comforting to some, but right now, that's not a club I want to be in!  I wore my pink top yesterday (it's really comfy), it didn't make my skin crawl, but I did wonder if people thought I was wearing it because it's now "MY" color.   The history of the pink ribbon is interesting, maybe I'll get over it....maybe....

Pink Ribbon History

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