Overwhelmed By Love


This post could have also been called.  "A ZIT!?!  Are you kidding me!"  Or "Come on brain, I need you to not be an idiot!"  "Overwhelmed by Love," was the most positive, though all are accurate for today!

Seriously, if you ever have to go through something big, I hope you work somewhere like Brookview Elementary.  So many hugs, so much love.  

I'm already asking for help:

Will you please make copies for Thursday's program?  I didn't get it sent to Central Print last week.

Will you please give me more copies?  Last week got away from me.  

Will you please get me a sub for Tuesday and Wednesday morning?  

Will you please help me set up the gym Thursday?  

Will you please make my email stop yelling at me?  I know I'm behind.  

Will you please teach my sub how to count off rhythms?  

Will you please sign us up for the ITPDP meeting?  

Will you please take care of me when we need to do our concert scheduling?  I need to not think about that right now.

I'm sure there are more things.  I'm trying to say THANK YOU, A LOT!  I really MEAN it!

Today was a good day.  Although I started by forgetting my badge and computer charging cable at home.  Teaching is a good distraction and something in my circle of control that I am good at.  That said, it's hard that the world keeps turning when it feels like MY world stopped.  

Mom and I practiced concert music after school and made a video for my substitute tomorrow of 5th grade concert music.  Then I worked on sub plans.  I cannot concentrate, everything is taking longer, and then my brain starts to tell creative stories.  Like, "you can't concentrate because the cancer has moved to your brain."  And other ridiculous, NOT HELPFUL, nonsense!

Tomorrow I have an MRI at 8:45.  I will be face down and have an IV with contrasting dye.  Those results should come in 1-2 days.  I have Genetic Testing at 1:00.  I either have blood drawn or spit in a tube.  I will pick whichever they say is 1. more accurate/better.  2. faster results.   THAT paperwork was extensive.  Those results could take 2 weeks.  We want those results to be very UNEVENTFUL!  I want to do the plan we currently have and get it going!

Thank you, Hive, for the BIG LOVE!  I feel it!  I am LUCKY to have YOU!

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