Tabitha the Twatty Tumor and her Evil Twin, Tallulah


Apologies to anyone named Tabitha or Tallulah, and anyone who doesn't like the word twatty.

I woke up grumpy and mad at the world today, then Kathy brought me an amazing basket of cards to open on this journey and goodies from my Brookview family.  Poor Kathy got an ear full....and tears.  Emily brought me a beautiful loaf of bread, and I was showered with many hugs.  As one of my former students said on the KELLY CLARKSON SHOW TODAY....I'm so grateful for the support, but not the reason it's needed.  She had to learn that lesson at age 10.  I'm learning that lesson at age 41 and today, I hate it.

I left school at noon, dropped off my FMLA paperwork at Katzmann and went to Imaging.  They got me right in.  The ultrasound tech has kids at Shuler, the mammogram tech, kids at Eason.  I'm kind of glad their kids aren't at Brookview, but it was still nice to "talk Waukee" to them and LAUGH.  The radiologist decided to biopsy both sites that they're looking at.  He started with Tallulah, she's the 5mm "thing" that lit up during the MRI.  Today's radiologist was the head of the department, he said Tallulah looked like a fibroadenoma to him, which would be okay with me. If that is the case I will remove the "Evil" from her name.  Then they moved to an inflamed lymph node on the right side.  He showed it to me on the screen and pointed out the part that looked a little abnormal, but also explained what REALLY abnormal would look like.  I appreciated the education, his kindness, lidocaine and speed.  I also really enjoy it when doctors, nurses and techs tell me I did a good job.  I'm literally laying on a table, how does someone mess that up?!?  Whatever.  I'll take it.  Pats on the back are my love language. 

I came right home and crawled into bed with ice packs and took a nap.  Waking up just in time to see my friend and former student on KELLY CLARKSON!  You can see more here!

Nolan had his first baseball game tonight.  It was a lovely night, but I wasn't really in the mood.  My armpit kind of hurts!  They said no heavy lifting and I kind of thought that was ridiculous, then I tried to do something with my right arm, and I realized they weren't lying!  What the heck!?  You don't know how much you use your armpit until someone shoves a few needles in it.  

Now what?  We wait.  1-2 days for these results and we're still waiting on the genetics, too.  We want Tallulah and the lymph node to be benign.  The radiologist said Dr. T would take out this particular lymph node during surgery regardless....BUT if BOTH are benign and genetics are clear, we can proceed with Plan A!  If they're not, I'll probably get to have another appointment and a different discussion with Dr. Torstenson.

The Advil PM is kicking in and my bedtime sports bra is on (the saga continues, the SheFit's are en route).  Thanks for reading, praying and loving me!!!  I feel it, even when I'm pissed off!

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