Takin' Care of Business


Today was wonderful but too fast!  We slept in, watched Rock the Block while grading papers and writing thank you notes, and mowed (I've never mowed in 2 long sleeved shirts and an ear wrap before, but it felt good!).  We helped my parents raise their new water tower, ate at the OP, ran to Dick's for baseball pants, and Crocs for Nolan's musical, I struck out on the comfy sports bra...I'll order a SHEFit and hope for the best.  We stopped at Crumbl on the way to Fit to be Tied (my Birkenstocks are holding on my a thread, and some other fun shoes were on sale), HyVee, laundry and wrote more thank you notes.  

I feel like I didn't even put a dent in the list of things I need to/want to do, but today was a good start.  While at HyVee, my brain started to make up stories...what if the lymph node comes back positive and the spot in the left breast, and my neck felt stiff today and my stomach rumbled weird and what if it's everywhere!?!?  Why did groceries and classic rock music make me get all dooms day and creative!?!?  

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