Tired to Wired


I'm tired.  I was tired yesterday and when I turned off the light I was wired.  I looked at the clock for the last time at 1:30.  I'm hoping it's easier tonight...but the waiting isn't fun.  Reading the 300 page Breast Cancer textbook before bed is probably not helping either.

This morning was the OBGYN.  They were so nice and kind and scheduled me for a longer appointment so we could talk and I could ask questions.  The procedure was nothing, a little bit of cramping and spotting.  Lord, do I really want to share this with the world!?! 😅. I'll be adding "feminine hygiene products" to this week's grocery list.  I haven't missed them.  Nor have I been keeping up on what's "new."  I'm guessing I'll learn quickly! 

I hustled to school to practice with kids I missed Friday.  Their concert is tomorrow!  Fonziba came to professional development to teach us how to teach kids how to drum.  3 hours of drumming and making music with my friends and teammates was food for the soul.  

Tomorrow is 1st grade concert day.  I need my brain to work and be focused!  I also need the MRI people to call, but preferably not during a dress rehearsal!

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