

Today is Jason's 42nd birthday!  Perhaps not one he cares to remember.  He was up with me every 4 hours to make sure I was medicated, and then took Nolan to school, he also mowed the lawn and check in on me often.  My routine today has been sleeping and eating on repeat.  We did watch 1 episode of Ted Lasso.  And I finally finished a book I've been reading forever.  Jason's parents brought over homemade pizza and cookies for supper (his favorite) and my friend, Emily, made this glorious peanut butter chocolate cake.

As for me- sleeping and eating.  My eyes are weird, so I actually need my readers right now, hopefully that fuzziness goes away.  I showered this afternoon which felt really good, and it also allowed me to see the incisions.  They weren't as gross as I was expecting.  I've been wearing the zip up sports bra as instructed as well as a binder.  I'll get to do that until I see Dr. T again on 5/28.   My pain is maybe a 3 but really the incision I feel is the lymph node one.  I had to have Jason cut my pizza tonight. Laying on my back is going to get old, too.

Jason has always been and will continue to be amazing!  I'm so thankful to have him by my side for this and everything, and hopefully someday I'll be able to make his weird 42nd birthday up to him!


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