
Today I set the world on fire. Mulching, planting, mowing, dishes, laundry.  I'm giving credit to the Hyper we had at 11, but I felt strong and unstoppable!  Remind my body I said that when I hurt everywhere tomorrow.

Yesterday I took 2 naps, went to Nolan's musical (amazing), drank margaritas (Blue Agave has flights) and watched TV (Master Chef Jr and CSI).


Jason and Nolan have a cold or something.  That's not on my May bingo card of things to do.  I've moved into the guest room and am washing my hands, rinsing my sinuses and EmergenC-ing as much as I can.

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week, one of my favorite weeks of the year.  I currently have NO ABSENCES SCHEDULED for the rest of May.  I'm hoping to get a call tomorrow or Tuesday about when surgery will be.  The sooner the better.  It would be sad to miss the end of the year for MANY reasons, but Tabitha, Tallulah and Lymphadora need to get. out. of. my. body.

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