Duh, Ann!

I realized this ridiculousness at 1AM.

Sitting right next to the bottle of Oxycodone (pain narcotic) was a new bottle of hydroxyzine (a little bump of anxiety meds for when I'm especially anxious.) Jason brought me my first oxy on 5/15 at 9PM.  Then I was left in charge.  And I didn't read the pill bottle.   I was sure confident.  Turns out I'd been giving myself a hydroxyzine every 4 hours yesterday-no wonder I was so tired.  I realized this at 1AM today.  

So...between the hours of 1AM on 5/15 and 1AM on 5/17 I had zero pain medication.  Zero.  No wonder it felt a little sore.  Needless to say I've put the anxiety med in a drawer farrr away so as to not get the two mixed up.  

I'm lucky I don't run into more walls.😳

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