Happy Mother's Day!


I love Mother's Day.  I think I might love it more than my birthday.  Jason and Nolan made brunch while I finished updating my seating charts.  I love brunch SO much.  I wish I could eat at 10AM and 4PM every day.  

I made a couple rhubarb coffee cakes, as Jordan gifted me an obscene amount of rhubarb, and folded laundry.  Jason was beside himself that I was working so hard on Mother's Day, bless his heart.  I reminded him that next weekend he'd be doing the laundry and cooking, cleaning AND being a primary supervisor of a small 13th birthday sleepover.  Plus...I LIKE to bake and oddly enough, I LIKE to do laundry.

Djembe class was back today after a 2 week hiatus.  It was powerful, I was surrounded by so much love and positivity.  The flood gates were opened, and I'm a little afraid they may not close again until after Wednesday.  

We took Biaggi's Pronto packs to my parent's house for Mother's Day and enjoyed supper and an array of desserts and relaxing time with them.  Jason and Nolan went fishing for Scouts and I chatted more before coming home, putting fresh sheets on beds, more laundry, dishes and watering plants.

This month has been all about getting stuff done in preparation for Wednesday.  We're almost there.  That feels really good.  I told my friends that I am looking forward to Wednesday so I can rest.  Also to get Tabitha the hell out of dodge.

Left to do:

  • Goodbyes
  • WEA Meeting
  • Baseball
  • Final Classroom Prep
  • Hair Cut
  • Band Concert
  • Basement prepped for 13 year olds
  • Recovery Nest
  • EOY Check list
  • Prep for Surgery

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