I feel like I'm on repeat, which isn't a bad thing.  

I'm feeling good.  My armpit hurts.  I'm tired.  Is it from surgery and recovery OR because I finished the school year?  It usually takes me about 2 weeks to come back to life when the year ends....so maybe this is that?

Mom and I went to the movie IF today.  I was a little sad that Nolan wanted to go to the movie with his friends for his birthday, so my mom and I went today.  We were the only people in the theater parking lot at 11AM.  There were 3 of us in the theater.  

SPOILER ALERT:  Within the first 15 minutes of the movie the mom dies of cancer.  The rest of the movie is spent talking about kids growing up and adults growing up and forgetting what it was like to be a kid.  😭😭😭. Seriously.  It was awful.  If I would have been in the theater alone I would have needed an entire box of Kleenex.  Zero stars.  AND I SENT MY CHILD and 2 friends to this movie for his BIRTHDAY.  (He liked it, and was shocked I didn't- here's hoping his brain only scraped the surface.) Although, I could go for an Imaginary Friend like Blue.  

In other news....I'm ready for Bridgerton Season 3!!!

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