It's May!


Full disclosure- I had to Google "Justin Timberlake song about May."  I saw the memes and had no clue.  Anyway, It's Gonna Be May!

I told a friend yesterday that I think April was the worst month of my life, but then thought about it a little more.  I felt SO much LOVE.  My diagnosis, prognosis and treatment (mostly) aren't (that) scary.  So get ready for this new analogy.  (Some of you are going to think I am the WORST.) This month has been a lot like the month after Nolan was born.  I was anxious and scared all the time (not that I would die...but maybe that he would), I was exhausted, and filled with SO. MUCH. LOVE.  #onlychild

Stage 1 Breast Cancer Diagnosis = First Month of Newborn. OMG.  HORRIBLE!  I'm laughing.  I can't believe I wrote that.  

I love that kid more than anything, and I loved him so much then, but damn, that was hard.  I'll not be keeping Tabitha or Tallulah in a jar of formaldehyde to gaze upon, I'm NOT glad I have them.  Nolan, on the other hand, kicks ass.  

This has been a good week, BUT I AM TIRED of waiting.  GET IT OUT!!!!  Tomorrow is the 5th grade concert.  All along I've been using that concert as my, "if I can just get through the 5th grade concert..." and it's finally here.  Friday I meet with Dr. T. I am hoping she has a place in her schedule for me to have surgery in the next couple weeks!!!  GET IT OUT!!!  

THEN                                                                                        NOW

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