

Today was meh.  I got up to keep Nolan on his normal "school day routine."  I went to the grocery store with mom and did some dishes, laundry and re-watched season 1 of Bridgerton.  

I felt hot several times today and my lymph node incision hurt.  Making me feel paranoid about infection.  I don't have a fever, and I've taken Advil and was also hot outside and the sports bra/binder combo 24/7 might finally be getting to me.  OR was season 1 of Bridgerton?

The Radiation Oncologist called, I'm having my first appointment with Dr.  Bodine on June 3.  I'm looking forward to seeing what we can get accomplished before our trip, so I can hit the ground running with radiation when we get back.

Nolan had a baseball game, it was a lovely night, I drove for the first time and got to give Angela (family friend on my anesthesia team)a coherent side hug, and thank you. 

I'm going to take one of those anxiety pills (on purpose) and go to bed.  

Tomorrow is a new day.

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