No News.....

A little hiatus from the blog, as things are steady, normal-ish, and quiet.  No news is good news?

Wednesday- Brunch with Mike and mom at Little Brother.  My first latkes.  Then pedicures, a nap and baseball game.

Thursday- Lunch with Mary and mom at Aunt Maude's.  My FIRST parent pick up in 8. years. on. the. last. day. of. school.  Nolan is a lucky 8th grader!  He wanted Freddy's for supper, then hung out with friends and packed for the weekend's scout camp.

Friday- I went to school!  (Getting ready takes longer, I'm out of practice!)  I checked out with my team, took stock of my room, and went with Amanda for our annual (and last)😔 check-out day lunch.  It was so nice to see some of my friends!  Met Barb, shoe shopped.

While out and about I missed a call from Monday's Radiologist Oncologist that my Oncotype isn't back yet, so we're moving the appointment to Friday.  Ugh!  Prior to that we made a meeting with the travel agent to finalize details of the Europe trip for Monday after the appointment!!

Jason and Nolan are on a NE Iowa kayaking/camping adventure this weekend.  I'm hoping to make sure my classroom is as ready for summer as I am capable.  

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