One Month (and a day)


It's probably pretty egotistical to be in awe of how the universe seems to be speaking specifically to me.  Yesterday, May 10, was a month since my diagnosis.  Yesterday we saw the Aurora Borealis 20 minutes from our house...on Aurora Avenue.  Thursday I was feeling kind of emotional about the last month, and how much it seems like life has changed.  Yesterday and today I've been too busy to feel much of anything.  The light show in the sky helped me have a moment of reflection and feel like I have the well wishes of the universe as we move into surgery week.

Yesterday I started telling my classes that they would have a substitute from now on when they come to music class because I am having surgery.  If pressed, I told them there is something in my body that shouldn't be, we're taking care of it, and I'll be good as new in August!  I'm not trying to keep secrets from them, but I also don't want our whole class to be spent talking about everyone they know who has had cancer, or surgery, or their friend's neighbor's dog that had surgery.  (I'm not exaggerating.  I promise.) We have MUSIC to do!

I also had my Pre-Op physical yesterday. Dr. Kippes was so kind and gave me, what felt like, a lot of time to talk, fill her in and ask questions.  Since I'm "young" and "healthy" I didn't even have to have an EKG.  AND I got to give Maureen a big hug after!  (I think the physical went well?)

Today I went to school.  I organized cabinets, cleaned, set up my desk for a sub, and put personal items away.  My friend Jackie came to help me take inventory of what I still need to do. She helped take things off my walls and tune ukuleles for Monday while I filed, and alphabetized.  It was so nice to have a buddy!  After 2.5 hours at school I went to Old Navy to buy a zip up bikini top.  (All words I never thought I would say.) I've been told showering may be a challenge...

Mom and I met at Von Maur for some button up jammies and shirts for post surgery...and my first zip up house coat.  I FEEL your jealousy.  I grocery shopped, picked up the house, worked on laundry, finished grades, and started updating seating charts when PowerSchool kicked me off for maintenance.  A sign I've worked hard enough today.

We went out for supper for Mother's Day with Jason's parents, and now we are exhausted and ready for bed!  It was a busy and VERY productive two days, bring on more tomorrow!!!

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