Open in the Front

No Shit.  

I will probably always have my hospital frock open in the front...should I ever need to be gowned for something else, they'll wonder why I have it on backwards.

I had my post-op with Dr. Torstenson today.  It felt rushed.  A "break-up" I wasn't quite prepared for.  She ripped off the steri strips- it didn't hurt, but there was no warning, and told me the incisions looked good.  I asked about my armpit pain (normal), TMI ALERT: nipple sensitivity (normal), if this was going to kill me (no), and if I could drum (no- until June 15).

She went over the pathology report- 3 lymph nodes, one with 6 minis attached to it, 8mm tumor, nothing scary in the left breast, a "great" pathology report.  Stage 1A, as good as it can be!  Hooray!?!

Dr. T said that they're still waiting on my oncotype and that will help the Medical oncologist determine if I need chemo or what the course will be.  WHAT!?  I thought that door was closed.  She seemed to think it won't be needed, but gah!!!  You (and I) can learn more about this here.

She commented on my large breasts several times and the need to continue with the binder and sports bra because of my large breasts for 2 more weeks, then just a sports bra.  Here's hoping the weather stays in the low 70s with little humidity and I am motivated to eat salads, chicken breasts and fruit.

I won't see Dr. T again until January 2!  Mammogram and appointment with her.  Happy New Year! (I hope.). That's what I mean, so far she's been the only major medical player in this diagnosis, and now I won't see her again until January!  Ouch!

I forgot to ask if I could wear deodorant, so I quick emailed Katlyn. 😅. I can!  But you should still tell me if you smell me!

Jason and I brunched at the Breakfast Club, I went to Costco (there's a line to get in at 10AM-who knew!?), then to get the oil changed in Jason's car (I've been driving an electric car since 2020, and honestly, Jason does the car stuff, so it was something I haven't done in YEARS).  Then I came home, read and napped.

Next Up:

  1. June 3- Radiation Oncology- Dr. Bodine- This is the one I need to sweet talk to ensure our trip will still work.  Dr. T says radiation starts 4-8 weeks after surgery.  8 weeks will be the week we get back.  So it should be fine?  The scheduler who made my appointment made it sound like maybe we could get all of the "prep work" out of the way, and get rolling with radiation right when I return
  2. June 7- Occupational Therapist- Kendyl- she will be concerned with potential lymphedema.
  3. June 10- Medical Oncology- Dr. Schultheis- this will be who is in charge of chemo or tamoxifen.  My first Google search of Dr. Schultheis revealed that he went to med school at the American University of the Caribbean...luckily he looks more grown and professional than I was guessing. 

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