School's Out for Summer...


That's a wrap on the 23-24 school year for me.  Year 20.  Weirdest ending, second only to spring 2020.  

Lots of hugs, lots of pink, lots of tears...almost, but not quite.  I feel like I've been preparing for tomorrow for the last month, and I'm glad it's finally here.  Get. It. Out.

After school I had a hair cut and went to Nolan's (last) band concert (ever)...for now.  

Now we're home.  I'm trying to drink a bucket of water, as I assume tomorrow, when I can't drink anything, I will be more thirsty I have ever been in my life.  

Mercy called today and my times have been moved up.  I report at 7AM, seed 1 placed at 8:30, seed 2 placed at 9:15, surgery at 10:30 for 135 minutes (2 hours 15 minutes).  I'm glad it's earlier, however that means that Jason and I will not be seeing Nolan off.  My mom's coming to get Nolan rolling....or not.  Frankly I don't care if he stays in his pjs all day.  Whatever makes everybody happy tomorrow.

How am I?  I'm nervous for anesthesia. I'm worried about not waking up.  I'm concerned that there will be surprises for the surgeon after she starts....therefore leading to surprises for me/us.  I'm worried that the cancer has spread in the last month.  I'm anxious about how I will feel physically after surgery.  I'm also a little nervous that I will say or do something ridiculous that I won't remember. 

I am ready to move on to the next chapter of this story.  Recovery.  It's been a month and 4 days since my diagnosis, and I've been waiting almost that long to have surgery.  

Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for the love and support we have received; near and far, new friends and old friends.  I told Jason that I feel guilty for accepting all of this, I don't feel like we need or deserve it.  We will pay it back or forward, whatever comes first.  I'm starting to fall a little behind on thank yous, but I've got a list and they'll get done in the next week!  We are seriously so thankful for you.

Please do send all the good vibes, energy, and prayers tomorrow!  They are felt and appreciated

  • For me to be calm and oblivious.  
  • For Jason to be as calm, cool and collected as usual.  
  • For Dr. Tortenson and her entire team tomorrow that their training, brilliance, science and skills do all that they're supposed to.  
  • For Nolan, my mom and dad and Jason's family and our friends as they try to hold it together waiting for updates.

If I can't post tomorrow I'll make sure Jason does...either I'll dictate or give him liberties.  


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