T minus 36ish hours....


Today I thought I probably should have made Friday my last day of school.  Gulp.  My brain is all over the place, and my patience is nearly non-existent.

Mercy called during school to ask a bunch of questions, and tell me that surgery will be 135 minutes.  I am getting more and more anxious about all of this.  Adding insult to injury TMI ALERT: I just got my first real period in years (thanks IUD!), COME ON BODY!  So now I'm also stressing about feminine hygiene products during surgery and recovery.  Insert ALLLL the swear words here.

Some of my amazing kids and their teachers showered me with love at the end of the day, which reignited the water works.  I was able to participate in the last WEA meeting of the year- Barb has been President extraordinaire while her "co" has been out of commission.  I am so grateful to her for taking that off of my plate!  (I also haven't really missed it....😳) Then I got to watch Nolan's baseball game (longest ever), he had some great pitching moments.

I arrived home to some happy mail.  We set up a "recovery nest."  We talked to Nolan about school on Wednesday.  He's going to plan to go, I've emailed the guidance counselor, his advisory teacher and his "Trailridge Mom."  He's afraid he'll be distracted and worried.  We've also said that he can be rescued by his grandparents at any time if needed.  Luckily it's an early out, so I'll still be in surgery when he gets home.

Surely, surely, surely I have thought of absolutely everything, right!?!?  

Tomorrow people are wearing pink for me at school as a sign of support.  I am thankful my principal asked if that was ok, as surprises aren't really my jam.  Nor is pink right now, as you've maybe read, alas, I am SO thankful for the support and love.  All the emotions! 

Y'all tomorrow is my last day of my 20th year of teaching!  I sure do know how to go out with a bang!

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