"The Aunties"

Yesterday was such an amazing day!  We were Becky's bitches for Lydia's graduation party.  The weather was perfect, Lydia was happy, I spent all day with my friends and I didn't wear my binder🤐 🙌.  I left my house at 10AM and returned at 8PM, I felt like a giddy little kid!  Last night I also slept the best and longest I have in at least 2 weeks....maybe longer.  Next year is Andrew's graduation, then we take a graduation break until 2029 for Brynn, Calvin and Nolan.  Hopefully there will be other events that require "The Aunties."

These women are amazing.  I love them so much, and I cannot imagine life without them.  I've known most of them for over 20 years...and it FEELS like I've known Jordan that long.  Good, bad, hilarious, sad, scary, joyful, we've really weathered a lot.

Today was very calm, I visited my drumming friends at Whispers, but didn't drum (repetitive motion).  I'm hoping to be cleared to drum (among other things)Tuesday, when I have my post-op with Dr. T.. Tomorrow I'll make my list of questions for her.  One of which will be inquiring about my achey armpit.  I'm hoping it's normal and short lived.  

It truly feels like I came alive on Friday.  The fog lifted and I feel good.  


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