"There's no place like home."

I sent this picture to my parents after the last storm.  The response, "Boob clouds...how appropriate for you! (They are really called mammatus clouds.)".  I'm betting that text was a group effort.  My parents are cooler than your parents!  

I'm not really a big Wizard of Oz fan, but the quotes have been perfect!  "There's no place like home," sure does fit today!  I went back to bed after Nolan and Jason left today and woke up to the weather sirens.  My first thought was, "Oh shit, kids are just getting to school, what a nightmare!"  My friends and babies and sub spent 45 minutes in shelter right away, how awful.  I felt so bad for them, and I am so glad I wasn't there.  

Today I watched TV and wrote thank yous and it was glorious.  I also slept with my boob pillow which I'd skipped for a couple of days, and I think the extra padding helped my lymph node incision.  

Nolan got out of school early as the next round of storms were due to hit right at dismissal time.  I'm so glad everyone was able to make it home safely.  I'm also glad(?) the storms came to fruition so the District didn't have to deal with that fallout.  Becky said I "missed the weirdest day of school ever.  Excluding Covid."  The orthodontist even called to get Nolan in before the weather and Jason finished his day working from home.  We were lucky to be safe and have no damage.  Now the sun is shining!

I think I need to start my mornings slower like today.  Unrelated- I also need to get the snacks out of the house or find the willpower and healthy habits I put into action this winter.  

It's been a week since surgery.  This was a big step, but I still feel like it's just the beginning of this journey.  One of our friends was diagnosed last Thursday, and I've heard other stories of people who have recently found out they, too, received their "Cancer Card."  It's just not fair.

From Cancer Vixen by Marisa Acocella Marchetto


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