Waiting IS NOT Easy!

 I had an appointment with Dr. Torstenson today.  The purpose of today's appointment was to discuss the final surgery plan and schedule surgery...I thought.  Everything is the same as discussed in the first meeting, right side lumpectomy, right side sentinel lymph node biopsy.  We've added in a lumpectomy for Tabitha on the left side, but that won't include lymph nodes or radiation because it's not cancer.

So....stuff we already knew.  And...the person who does the scheduling had. the. day. off.  This is reasonable.  She gets a day off.  But UGH!  I thought today was the day!  They made it sound like surgery will happen in May in the next 2 or 3 weeks.  I keep reminding them about our trip with the caveat that I DO know my life and health are more important....but if I can go, I want to go.

The next time I will see Dr. T it will be when she places the seeds for surgery.  Bring it on!  Supposedly I will get a phone call with the date next week.  I will then need to schedule a pre-surgery physical.

Jason and I had our post-appointment-date at The Tavern which is apparently THE PLACE TO BE for 80 somethings on a Friday afternoon!  

I went for a walk and mowed the yard, then got to see Nolan in his 7th Grade Musical Sally Sells Seashells and So Should You.  It was fabulous.  Loved every minute, and I can't wait to see it again tomorrow!

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