Slow Down...


What a day!  I feel like I'm returning to the land of the living.  Jason and Nolan went to baseball practice and mom chauffeured me around for errands.  We went to Target for Starbucks and 13th b-day party snacks, La Mie because what 13 year old doesn't request La Mie for their birthday breakfast, and a couple other places for gift cards.  Towards the end I wasn't feeling great....I'm putting my finger on fluffy coffee after 4 days with none, no breakfast (I don't usually eat breakfast), and HOT with the sports bra and binder.  Anyway, I got home, had some lunch and went straight to bed.  I probably should have started a little slower today.

The afternoon was calm.  Susan stopped to drop some things off from the music team, and food for next week.  We (mostly Jason and Nolan), prepped for Nolan's friends.  May seemed like such a good time to have a baby for a teacher, but uffda, it's SO busy.  Nolan knew he wanted a few friends to sleep over- kids from different schools who knew each other from show choir.  The best laid plans...piano recitals, baseball tournaments, and funerals in India changed things up a little.  In the end, Nolan's oldest friend who he went to day care at Katie's with, who he bit when he didn't have words, who I consider an extension of our family, is who could stay over tonight.  Perhaps sometime this summer we'll try for a re-do, but this feels perfect right now.

While the boys were at IF, Amanda came over.  We sat on the patio and chatted, she showed me some stretches to do for my lower back, it was a beautiful night, and I'm glad we could catch up.  Hugs aren't quite the same right now, but it's still good to be with friends.  I'm glad people can see that I'm okay.  

My incisions are getting itchy, but so far I haven't had range of motion issues or the pain that I was expecting.  I took Advil once today and Tylenol once today.

Tomorrow, Nolan turns 13!  I usually comment on how much better I feel today than I did the day he was born.  I think the same will be true for tomorrow!  

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