Tick tock....

This wait is getting to me.  The Radiation Oncologist that I was supposed to see Monday that rescheduled for Friday rescheduled AGAIN for Tuesday!  All because we're waiting for the Oncotype test results in which the sample didn't arrive or get sent to whatever lab until 5/24, and it takes 2 weeks.  Where was it between 5/15 and 5/24?!?  UGH!  And the people who call to reschedule keep saying "if you need chemo...." which makes me super whiney because Dr. Torstenson probably should NOT have told me I WOULDN'T from our very first meeting on 4/12!

So a re-cap of the current schedule:

Friday, 6/7- Occupational Therapy-it sounds like they have everyone do this, I'm not having any noticeable issues.  She may poke at me and discover some.

Monday, 6/10- Medical Oncologist. (This doctor is also going to need the Oncotype test...so I am just waiting for that phone call.)

Tuesday, 6/11- Radiation Oncologist and Therapy Consult.

6/11 is also our 19th anniversary and we drop Nolan off at school at 2:45AM for his trip to Washington DC.  It's going to be QUITE the anniversary.

We met with the travel agent Monday to go over our travel packets.  There's some concern about a short layover in Atlanta, but mostly I. AM. SO. EXCITED.  We booked our excursions tonight!

Tuesday I hosted a gathering for our RAD (Related Arts Department- I hate the name "specials") to celebrate Amanda's new adventure, teaching in Phuket, Thailand.  

Today Nolan had a voice lesson, I enjoyed coffee with friends, dropped Nolan at the pool for the first time (silently apologized to the lifeguards), cleaned up (most of) last night's remnants of fun, and went to the music team send off as Allison moves to Atlantic.

The next few days are more chill.

People have asked me how I feel and I say, "Good!  Really good!"  I promise I'm not lying.  I don't know how else to elaborate.  If I were in pain, depressed or sick, you would know.  I haven't held back yet.  My armpit doesn't even hurt much anymore (although I did lift a grocery bag that contained Tide and a ginormous bottle of cheap wine on Monday, and switched hands very quickly.)

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