To be continued....

 Updates since I blew a gasket....

I emailed my medical oncologist my LONG list of questions.  To which he responded:

I am out today.  Let me review your questions and let’s find a time to discuss.  

I am glad we tested you but as you have gathered it comes with more questions and implications.


This dude and his correspondence are NOT impressive.  I've shared his emails and my frustrations with my nurse navigator at Katzmann and my primary care physician.  They acknowledged that it wasn't handled properly, but stressed that I needed to set up a face to face appointment with him to hear all of the options, and ask all of my questions.  If I'm still unhappy with his care they will work to have me consult with another medical oncologist.  I also filled out some survey they sent me right after the appointment.

So, Monday I called to make the appointment, but they had to talk to his nurse so said they'd call back.  When they called back they suggested we meet after radiation. (August) I said no, that I have a lot of questions and I need them answered before August.  So, July 19 it is.  Ughhhhhhhh.

Today I spoke with my OBGYN to ask her some questions.  She said if it were her, she would have all of it removed (hysterectomy), but that I am young and that comes with risks and side effects.  So I will add to my list the chance of recurrence if I 
1. Do nothing?
2. Have a hysterectomy?
3. Have a hysterectomy and take the aromatose inhibitor?
4. Other options?

If the chances of recurrence are only slightly diminished, right now, I think I'd rather take my chances than have a hysterectomy at age 42.  Who would have ever expected THIS would be the hardest decision to make.  This is obviously an ongoing saga.

Today I also had my first therapy appointment.  It was fine.  The world's problems have not all been solved, nor have I been given all of the tools to solve them just be continued...

Perhaps the BEST news this week is that we leave for Europe on Friday!  I'm so excited!  My friend, Jordan, asked what I was the most excited for and the least excited for.  
  • Most- seeing new sites and experiencing things with my family!  My other experiences have been with college friends and strangers who became friends.  Also-Switzerland.  I am so excited for the mountains!  AND FOOD!  I will surely appreciate it all more as an adult!
  • Least- Flights and sleeping anxiety.  I'm not a great flier.  But then the more I thought about answer changed to coming home.  I don't want to come home because on 7/8 I start radiation.  I'm ready, I've heard mostly positive things, I just don't wanna.  I feel good.  The cancer's out.  Peace.  I'll get over it.  Radiation will be my job for July 2024.
I'm hoping to unplug and enjoy my people, the sights, food and drink of Amsterdam, Germany, Switzerland and France, so the blog will be on a bit of a hiatus.  Thanks for your supportive thoughts, prayers, and love!  

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