Weekend "Shenanigans"

I'm using the term shenanigans loosely, as my weekend was incredibly chill, quiet and wonderful.  I love my family so so so much, but these Boy Scout camping weekends sure do go fast.

This weekend I....

  • Re-Watched Queen Charlotte...I'd definitely seen it, but I'd forgotten so much.
  • Went to Jason's cousin's son's graduation party.
  • Readied my classroom for summer...thankfully I'd started to "put my room away" in anticipation of surgery at the beginning of May, so there wasn't much to do.  I assume there will be things I scratch my head about in August, but I think there always are.
  • Ate Mexican in the middle of the afternoon...if I lived alone (and didn't have a job) my sleeping schedule would be midnight-9AM and meals at 11 and 4.  
  • Napped...probably doesn't help my sleep schedule.
  • Took a flight of ice cream to my parent's house....my favorite was the black raspberry oreo.
  • Grocery shopped...HyVee on a Saturday night at 8PM is one of my happy places.
  • Read late... First Lie Wins by Ashley Elston- I can't decide how I feel about it, but there's no turning back now.
  • Slept in.
  • Made cookies with Athene M&Ms for Jason's work people....learned fancy printed M&Ms shouldn't be baked.
  • Made chocolate banana bread for Nolan and regular banana bread for us.  I think Nolan thinks this chocolate banana bread is my "signature dish," it's not!  But I am glad he won't be whining about what to eat for breakfast this week.
  • Made Dutch Letter Bars for Becky...she mentioned a traveling pan idea...could be great fun!  HA!
  • Finished listening to Robin Robert's We All Have Something, outstanding.  
  • Started listening to Amy Schumer's The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, it's already making me laugh out loud.  I started listening to books last summer, took a break, and am back at it.  I usually have one audio book and 1-2 paper books going at a time.  Educators, you can use your BOEE folder number to set up a Libby (audio book library)account!!  I especially like listening to memoirs read by the author.
  • Picked up eggs from my parent's chickens, and Jason and Nolan from their campout.  It sounds like they had a ball!  Trout hatchery, fishing, kayaking, Mabes, Whippy Dip, Ice Caves, Dunning's Springs, more Whippy Dip.  Nolan finished his Cooking, Camping and Kayaking merit badges!!  He also has a bug bite on his leg I'm going to monitor, when we returned from Alaska last year he had to get on antibiotics for an effing infected bug bite. 🙄  For the love, stop itching with your grubby little fingers!
  • Helped unpack (a little).
  • 7th Grade Washington D.C. Parent Meeting...followed by an Ann/Jason meeting about expectations, facts, and other very important things Nolan surely digested.  The first of many in the next week, I am sure.
  • Prepared for the "Great Art Hunt of 2024"....false alarm, the art has been found.    
Kayaking on the Upper Iowa.
Nolan planned the menu, grocery shopped and cooked for this campout.
Peace out 2023-24 school year.  Year 20.  Parts were great, the end was not.

"Fancy" M&Ms should not be baked with.  Still edible.  Not pretty.

We were ready to dumpster dive, thankfully it didn't come to that.

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