2 Months....

July 15.  Exactly 2 months since surgery, a little over 3 months since diagnosis and my 6th radiation.  It's all still a little surreal!

I also don't know that I've ever been as excited for Fridays in the summer as I felt last Friday and I assume I will feel the next 3!  Radiation becomes a job...with no pay...  Nolan and I went to Despicable Me 4 after radiation, and started packing for Boy Scout Camp.

This weekend I drummed with much of my Whispers drum crew and Master Drummer Bolokoda Conde.  It was joyful, energizing and invigorating!  I am SO glad I went.  Sunday was a little harder...and my hands hurt, but still wonderful.

Saturday I also attended Amanda and TJ's final farewell...but I'm not ready to write about that quite yet....

Jason and Nolan left for BSA Camp Geiger on Sunday Morning, so I've been watching movies on Netflix and finally putting the house back together.  I had the kind of amazing nap today that makes me wonder if I'll sleep tonight, but it was worth it.  I think I was ready for some alone time.

I meet with Dr. Schultheis on Friday so I sent him a reminder of all of my questions about ovary suppression or removal so he has time to prepare.  I'm hoping I can be assertive and kind, as we will have to have a relationship moving forward.

As for 2 months since surgery- my scar placement and healing has been amazing.  I have pain infrequently like if I bump something...which would hurt, surgery or not.  I do have some scar tape the dermatologist recommended, but I will probably wait until after radiation to try that...mostly for the lymph node scar.

14 Radiation sessions left.  Onward!

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