
 One tenth done with radiation!  Today was quicker, my appointment was at 11 and I was out the door by 11:12.  The two things that have caught my attention at the cancer center the last two days are:

  1. How thick the door is that they shut when they leave me in the room and keep themselves safe from the radiation.  How bad is this for my body?
  2.  How old and sick other patients seem to be who I've seen coming and going.  I haven't really thought 41 seemed young until this whole diagnosis.  Where are the people my age?  Healthy?  Why me!?
I also had the pleasure of having my yearly skin check at the dermatologist this morning.  It seems like half of the city has seen my chest, yet having to stand in front of the dermatologist in by bra and undies is what I dread more!?!?  BUT wait...because of radiation I'll also get to show HIM my boob!  (Radiation can act like extreme sun exposure, coupled with my mom's history of melanoma in situ...what fun.). He did offer some advice on scar creams and radiation burn creams.

Laundry is done, but carry ons and souvenirs need to be unpacked and the lawn mowed.  Vacation is much more fun than reality, but it sure is nice to sleep in my own bed.


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