
 Today I turned 42!  I wanted to eat good food, relax with no plans and finish my book.  Sometimes I build my birthday up like a New Years Eve celebration and then am disappointed with too high of expectations.  None of that this year.  

I'm going to say the "party" started Sunday, at drumming when we toasted airline bottles of Screwball.

Then it continued yesterday with the Aunties as we had Mich Ultra and Scotcharoo Day (among other things).

Today Nolan and I slept in despite Ally's best attempts at guarding our corner (she and I have been fighting since).

We had La Mie croissants with Nutella for breakfast.  Then I had radiation 12/20!  I'm 3/5 done!  I did take birthday treats...though I didn't eat any of THOSE...

I stopped at Starbuck's on the way home, about the time Amanda, TJ and fam were arriving in Phuket, and had then Ham and Cheese croissants from La Mie for lunch.  (Judge away people, the list isn't complete.....). 

Between radiation and Nolan's orthodontist appointment, I read.  I've been listening to Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros and am currently obsessed with it.  (I thought Fantasy genre was Nolan's thing, and I enjoy the books we read together, but I didn't think it was MY genre.). Becky let me borrow the hard copy, so I could switch back and forth as needed.  I WILL finish it today!

Nolan had the longest orthodontist appointment ever (chains and rubberbands today).  I tried to keep reading while he was in the back, but the orthodontist playlist was too distracting!  Then we picked up my birthday cake at Home Sweet Cone and got Smoothies from Tropical Smoothie Cafe.

My parents came over for HyChi and cake and we ended up flipping through ALLLLLLL of our Europe pictures.

I wondered if today would feel weird or different as I've thought more about my mortality in the last 3 months than ever before.  I didn't end up spending much time reflecting on that today, because eww.  But popped on my 40th Birthday Playlist and had a moment while Jimmy Buffett and Martina McBride sang Trip Around the Sun.

I can't say enough how grateful I am for all of the love and support I've (we've) received and continue to receive.  Thank you for the well wishes today!  Make sure you treat yourself and pretend it's from me!😍 

May there never be another year like the last three months of 41!

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