July's Cocktail of Choice

 People who know me well know that my love languages are food (SHOCKER if you read 42!) and words of affirmation.  I like to know if people think I'm doing a good job...I like a back pat.  Apparently I even like a back pat from medical professionals during radiation!

I was worried about radiation burns from the beginning so have been religious about skin care.  I've gone with clean skin- no moisturizer, lotion or deodorant before.  Luckily my appointment is always at 11 and I'm not working, so I've only smelled myself twice...😅

I started the month with Goldbond Healing(recommended by the radiologists) and Lume (as I'd also read/heard that the aluminum in antiperspirant can mess with radiation skin reactions). I had a dermatologist appointment right after I started radiation and they recommended Biafine.  Biafine is French, you can get it on Amazon, but it took awhile.  Had I known, I would have visited a French pharmacy, but I think it will be a staple in our house from now on for burns, scrapes, rashes, etc.  I have had a little nipple pain and recent under arm pain so they recommended Goldbond with Lidocaine....the one pharmacy I checked didn't have that so the Aspercreme with Lidocaine has been doing the trick.

This cocktail provided me with a "you're luckier than most," and "you've done really well with skin care," from Dr. Bodine!  WOOhoo!👏

7/10 done with radiation!  

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