ME! 2.0

 Today was much better.

Radiation was fine, I visited with Dr. Bodine about show choir and accompanying which is a super fun conversation to have topless, with a man I will most definitely run into at every concert my child has from now until graduation.  HA!  🥸. Oh, we also talked about how my boob looks good.  HA!  9/20 done!

I returned to ISEA Summer Conference in time for the Celebration of Excellence Awards Luncheon.  The Waukee Equity, Inclusion and Support Facebook Group that I helped nominate was chosen for the ISEA Friend of Education Award.  It was so fun to be in attendance while they accepted this VERY deserving award.

I was also honored with an award, or a runner up of an award.  It's hard for me to accept teaching awards because this isn't a solitary profession.  I am who I am because of who I surround myself with and who has imparted their wisdom upon me thus far.  Alas, it was lovely.  And every educator deserves to be celebrated.

I was not prepared to speak however, and I'm a big prepare-er.  So that kind of messed with me.  I threw together a few words, but hope I'll have the opportunity to address my ISEA family in the future, because I have more to say.  

I feel like I've been and ISEA member since birth, and perhaps my parents would say I've also been an educator that long.  Between the three of us, we now have 84 years of public school teaching under our belts. 

My parents, my family (who are at Boy Scout Camp in Missouri sending me pictures of the grossest bug bites ever), my teachers and my friends in this room and beyond have helped me become an excellent educator.

All educators deserve to be celebrated and wined and dined and I am honored to be here enjoying this celebration for all of the amazing educators I know and have known of the greatest profession.  Thank you!

After the lunch I made Joybots with Allison, went to supper at Biaggi's with Council 7, and enjoyed ice cream with Allison while we solved all of the world's problems.  If only WE were in charge!  Love.

I'm looking forward to being 1/2 way done with radiation, my questions are ready for Dr. Schultheis, and my "final goodbyes/see ya laters" are ready for Amanda.  Ugh.  Kind-of.

My mind keeps wandering to Jason and Nolan in Missouri joining Mic-O-Say which I have huge ethical problems with, not to mention my child, with psycho bug bites, will be sleeping without his bug net in unseasonable cool temperatures.  This, too, shall pass.  It's time for me to get lost in a book and go to sleep.

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