Sadly I'm not talking about the Taylor Swift song, although I'd probably come across better if I were!

Let me be clear.  July was supposed to be about me.  🤷.   I'm being sarcastic......ish.

Radiation after vacation for four weeks AND my birthday.  

Today I woke up to a text from Jason with pictures from camp of the grossest bug bites ever on Nolan's legs.  (And here I was preaching before camp about rifle and archery safety.) They went to the health lodge, who sent them to urgent care.  Just what every mama wants to hear.  The doctor doesn't think he was attacked by some venomous bug, just that he's hypersensitive to the bite.  This happened last year after an infected-bug-bite-itching-incident...although that involved a fever, since then I've monitored several bites, but NONE looked like these.  He's currently bandaged up with various ointment and on an oral antibiotic, AND we get to see his doctor on Monday morning.

While that fun was happening, unbeknownst to me, my dad was being fitted for his shoulder replacement brace and my mom was having a "fun" health event of her own.  My people are falling apart during MY month!!!  I don't have time for this!

Could this be the universe telling ME to suck it up and think about someone other than myself this month!?!  Gasp!  I thought I was doing better this week!

I left ISEA Summer Leadership (SLC) early to help schlep cars and then gorged myself on nachos.  I WISH I were someone who wanted to walk 5 miles when stressed.  Then watched a delightful rom/com and watered plants.  

It's beautiful outside.  Everyone is taken care of and where they're supposed to be.  I am 40% done with radiation and I feel good.  My skin is a little red and my breast is a little tender and numb, but hardly enough to notice.  Tomorrow I'll have radiation and see Dr. Bodine, then I'll go back to SLC.  Friday I have radiation early and then meet with Dr. Schultheis.  

I'm thankful it's summer and everyone is close by so there's time to deal with whatever comes our way.  

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