
 I've learned a little about geography in the last few months.  And that Phuket, Thailand is pronounced "poo-ket," NOT how it looks...although I may have referred to it as that a few times.  

About the time I was getting a cancer diagnosis my school bestie was getting hired to teach art at UWC Thailand in Phuket!  She has talked about teaching over seas as long as I've known her. (12 years). I am so proud of her and TJ for finding jobs in an interesting place, taking a risk, sharing their talents and being brave.  

It was so strange missing the end of the year knowing that she won't be there when I START the year, but we've spent some quality time together this summer.  It's time for their adventure to begin!  We've created an Art/Music Collab Google Doc to communicate with, and I've downloaded WhatsApp.  We've laughed about Face-timing as one of us gets to school with the 12 hour time difference.  It's going to be okay, not the same, but okay.  Today was our final FINAL goodbye.

MEANWHILE....the world shut down today due to some technology thing, so my 10th radiation treatment was put on hold...but not for long.  Apparently there was ONE radiation room up and running so I am HALF WAY DONE!!!!  WOOHOO!

I really felt for all of the health care personnel as they tried to cope with technology and making sure patients were seen.  After radiation mom and I met with Dr. Schultheis.  We waited quite awhile and dodged a blood draw meant for another Ann S.  When we were finally called back and the doctor came in he dropped two "shits" a "God" and a "Jesus" within the first 30 seconds (because of the outage).  I'm a fan of swear words.  It's hard to stay mad!  

Here's the deal-yes I am disappointed about how he communicated important information with me, a month ago, and I'm pissed that my NEW story will include medically and probably surgically induced menopause at the age of 42.  But also- this is the first doctor who has ever given me his cell phone number, and sworn on our second meeting.  I feel like if I asked him to go drink beer with me, he probably would.  Perhaps mom thinks I let him off the hook too easy, but as I reminded her- I'M the one who's going to have to have a multi year relationship with this man.

The many questions I had were answered.  I asked for statistics of recurrence if I have my ovaries suppressed or removed vs not.  Because of my pathology report, genetics and radiation, it's unlikely that my cancer would return.  Having this done would take me to 96% and if I have a hysterectomy that will also take care of some potential problems/issues down the road.  Dr. Schultheis recommended starting with the shot to see what my symptoms are and if I tolerated that okay, consider surgery.  I will talk to Jason and my OBGYN as we decide next steps.  

Hopefully anyone wishing for Nolan to have a sibling knew that that ship had sailed several years ago....but it would have been VERY cute.

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