I Have Abs!

 I feel them today!  They're in there.

My physical today was fine.  She gave me a lot of time, and did some blood work for my school wellness program.  And me....I guess it's good for me to know those things, too.  Therapy was good too- I just talk and reflect, I think it will help hold me accountable for my reflections. (Exercising, remembering that I'm replaceable at work, but not home, circle of control, WEA membership is not directly related to people not liking me, etc.)

I started thinking and wondering about how many medical appointments I've been to this summer.

Days in Summer (last day of teachers-first day of teachers)- 75 Days

Appointments with medical professionals- 43 (5 of those were Nolan's, 1 was mom's, 37 were mine, 20 of which were radiation)

That makes me feel EVEN MORE THANKFUL that the timing of this "adventure" happened when it did.  We would have made it work if I were in school because there would have been no other choice, but it was sure nice just taking that out of the equation!

I also feel so thankful that I live where I do, and my longest drive for any appointment has been to the Downtown Mercy Campus- 25 minutes away.  Most of my appointments are less than 15 minutes from home.  I do not take that for granted.  

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