First, my tender skin still hurts, but I'm managing.  Jason brought me one of those silly neck fans from the camping stuff last night....as a joke.  You can use your imagination but it worked and it made me laugh. 

Second, today I was brave and went to a new workout place, alone, where I didn't know anyone...and I didn't die.  Every time I ask a doctor what I should do to prevent symptoms, possible bone density issues, etc. that come with my impending medically induced menopause they've said exercise and strength training.  UGH!  I KNOW!  STOP YELLING AT ME!  I really don't enjoy exercising.  At all.  Or sweating.  I've had a few stints in my life while doing Couch to 5K and 21 Day Fix when I actually craved it, but those stints have been few and far between.  It's time.  It's past time.  

I was intrigued about Iron and Oars in Waukee, which is owned by a Scout mom.  I sent her a big long email sharing my whole story (and concern about dying), and never heard back, so I just signed up for a class (the first one is free).  Rowing, strength training and flexibility.  I really liked it.  It made me feel strong and energized, even though I used little weights today.  It will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow.  The next step is signing up for 30 days for $30.  Who wants to join me!?

The OBGYN appointment Monday was fine, I updated her on all of the things, she gave me a ton of time...and a pap smear even though I just had one last year ("just because you've got all of this other stuff going on"....eyeroll).  I see a nurse practitioner who doesn't do surgery, so couldn't answer some of my possible hysterectomy questions.  I do have a consult with a doctor on August 20.  I have a "best case scenario time frame" in my head, we'll see if that matters.  At least on August 20 I won't need to write sub plans.

Tomorrow is my physical with my primary care physician.  And therapy.  I'm. Sick. Of. Doctors.  That said, I've chosen well, and I am a BIG proponent of preventative care!  Have a physical!  Have a mammogram!

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