Just another day in paradise....

 My dad had his shoulder replaced today.  While the surgery was delayed due to weird hospital things, it sounds like the surgery was a success.  He's requested no visitors (besides mom), so I'll see him when he gets home tomorrow.  It will feel like a long recovery ahead for him.

I met with the medical oncologist's nurse practitioner today and had labs...then I had my first shot of Lupron...in. my. ass.  Which will shut down my ovaries, putting me into medically induced menopause.  She told me I may start to feel side effects in as soon as two days.  In 2 weeks I will start anastrozole....2 weeks is August 23.  The first day of school.  The ARNP told me that she had an ISU professor that had such brain fog on anastrozole for the first few months that she couldn't teach.  That won't be me.  Surely.  Zero side effects (except no period....that one I like.)

One of my Brookview friends randomly checked in this morning, and it was interesting to reflect...though I also felt guilty as she has her own shit going on.  I just don't even know how I feel about this shot today.  I think I'm resigned to it.  It is what is, do what you must.  There IS a part of me that wonders what would happen if I didn't do this, but that doesn't seem to be something the oncologists want to talk about.

Jason and Nolan are headed to a BSA campout this weekend.  I will meet a friend for food, set a timer for 3 hours in my classroom, and work on WEA new teacher goodie bags.  I'm still having a lot of armpit and under breast tenderness from raw radiation skin.  Somedays are like this....

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