What a week!  One more day, the biggest day.  This week was a full week of school- work days and meetings.  I've actually felt pretty ready and relaxed with it all, but a little distracted.

Monday we celebrated Mom's 70th Birthday with Casey's pizza and ice cream cake...she knows how to party.  I made her Shutterfly books from our trip, and I was so excited to gift them!

This week I had a hysterectomy consult.  I really liked Dr. Masse, I learned about the procedure and recovery.  Now I have to decide if I want to get on the schedule.  She suggested, if I had a time in mind, to schedule it and cancel if I changed my mind.  In my head I would like to do this the Monday before Thanksgiving,  so I'd need lesson plans for 3.5 weeks instead of 6.  Perhaps the highlight of this visit....I GOT TO KEEP MY CLOTHES ON!

I also had a baseline bone density scan.  Because the new medication I'm on will shut down my ovaries and the anastrozole that I add tomorrow will take the rest of the estrogen from my body, one of the risks is osteoporosis, so they wanted a baseline scan.  I kept my clothes on for that, too!  WOOHOO!

In a cruel twist of events, I got my period on Tuesday and it's like nothing I remember.  

I thought the "perk" of the Lupron meant that would be gone!  It's definitely different...BAD different.  I don't remember cramps like this.  Advil isn't touching them.  It's just making me feel really icky.  (And still I know I am very lucky compared to some of my friend's plights.) COME ON!  It's definitely made me think about getting on Dr. Masse's hysterectomy schedule!


Last night was Open House.  It was almost like we never left, but also a little strange since I didn't finish the year.  It was fun to see Nolan do his thing, too!  He's looking forward to 8th grade and memorized his schedule.

I was able to visit with a friend who received a recent breast cancer diagnosis.  It was such a wonderful chat that could have been so much longer, I just hate that this is a part of anyone's story!  Then therapy.  I was planning to row tonight, but between my lady bits hating me, therapy, and cancer commiserating, a dog walk on my favorite city/prairie trail won.  The cicadas, birds and wind were definitely more my vibe for today, Ally appreciated it, too.

I saw this black swallowtail on my walk.  It made me think of the butterflies on my classroom wall and the Jimmy Buffet lyrics they surround "Breathe In.  Breathe Out. Move On."  Some days are easier than others.  Onward to year 21! 

And my first anastrozole tomorrow...on the first day of school.  REALLY!?

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