Left Arm

This morning was our flu shot/COVID vaccine clinic at school.  I handed the woman the paperwork I filled out on Friday and said I needed to have both vaccines in my left arm.  She said, "We'll do one in your left and one in your right."  I said, "I'm a lymphadema risk and I need both vaccines in my left arm."  She shut up really fast and told me she'd spread them out a little.

Why is this bothering me so much!?!  It was three minutes of my life on a Monday morning, this isn't a big deal.  But also...listen to me!  Don't just assume you know better than I do!  Also, it already sucked to have to remember this new fact of life, so don't make it harder than it needs to be!

Also WHINE!  I don't WANNA have to remember this and remind people for the rest of my life!  And now I just want to go home.

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