
Last week was normal.  As I wrote last Sunday, I hadn't had a "normal" week with no doctor appointments or early out schedules since the last week in FEBRUARY!  That's a long time.  Routine is good for me.  I felt good, I enjoyed doing my thing.  Brookview is a little smaller this year, and I'm taking that as a gift, at a time when I need my schedule to be kind to me.  Susan taught us an amazing parachute routine that I, in turn, taught to my 3rd, 4th and 5th graders during their second music class.  I think it brought us all A LOT of joy.  As did my new beet Squishmellow for the younger kids.

My goal, right now, is to row 3 times a week.  I rowed on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after school.  It helped me have more energy and stay out of the pantry (after school is my witching/binging hour).  Wednesday I had a WEA meeting, and Friday Jason and I met for happy hour.  Friday I was also in bed at 7PM!  That might be a new record.  12 hours of sleep was needed after a week of normal!

We'd always planned on the weekend being quiet, while also toying around with a possible ICubs game or outdoor concert.  The weekend became even more quiet when Nolan woke up congested with a temperature on Saturday.  I didn't even give him a Covid test- it's everywhere.  It's wild how much the rules and regulations have changed in a couple years.  We're now supposed to treat it like any other virus!  UGH!

Jason and I did celebrate my mom and dad's 50th's Anniversary at Fleming's on Saturday night!  It was such a fun evening!  We all slept horribly that night and blame the complimentary Anniversary Champagne.  

I drummed yesterday, rowed today, did yard work, laundry, cooked and meal prepped for the week.  It feels good to be ready!  Today I did have a weird stomach ache mid-afternoon.  It felt like cramps- I'm just so curious about what's going on inside my body right now.  Not a fan.

I'm so thankful this week is 4 days.  It's a little busier which feels okay since it's short.  I'm planning to row Tuesday after school and Nolan has show choir auditions.  Wednesday I'm signing consent forms at the OBGYN and scheduling a hysterectomy.  I'm not fully sold yet, but if I'm going to do this, I have a window of time when it needs to happen, so I'm going to get it on the calendar and cancel if needed.  Wednesday we also get to pick up Nolan's art fair art!  Thursday I meet with Dr. Bodine (my radiation oncologist)- I think that MIGHT be my last visit with him!?!  Then therapy.  

Before I "sign-off" for now, a bit of advice.  If you know someone who is going through something and you're curious how they're doing just ask them.  I was at a meeting where someone apologized for being clumsy in their ask about my health.  Because I am who I am, I gave an abbreviated version of where I'm at and what's to come.  I told them I appreciated that they asked and cared.  If someone doesn't want to talk about it, I'm guessing they'll tell you or simply say, "I'm good!"  The ask means a lot.  (Especially if they're not telling all in a blog...HA!)

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