
Showing posts from September, 2024

Left Arm

This morning was our flu shot/COVID vaccine clinic at school.  I handed the woman the paperwork I filled out on Friday and said I needed to have both vaccines in my left arm.  She said, "We'll do one in your left and one in your right."  I said, "I'm a lymphadema risk and I need both vaccines in my left arm."  She shut up really fast and told me she'd spread them out a little. Why is this bothering me so much!?!  It was three minutes of my life on a Monday morning, this isn't a big deal.  But also...listen to me!  Don't just assume you know better than I do!  Also, it already sucked to have to remember this new fact of life, so don't make it harder than it needs to be! Also WHINE!  I don't WANNA have to remember this and remind people for the rest of my life!  And now I just want to go home.


 Today was a weird day.  Since my diagnosis almost 6 months ago, 3 of my friends have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  Hearing of their diagnosis', definitely hit different than it did BC (before cancer).  I've learned that while every diagnosis, story and treatment plan is different, this is certainly a sisterhood.  The survivors before me have been, and continue to be, invaluable to me during my treatment/maintenance, and I've tried to be that to my friends.  Today one of them had a lumpectomy.  I woke up thinking about her, and checked my phone/Facebook for updates on surgery during every free moment I had. While it allowed me time to reflect on what a yucky experience the waiting must have been for family and friends, I didn't enjoy it!  I dare say it was easier being the patient (on surgery day)than someone concerned about the patient!   I am SO thankful for my SISTERS who have reached out to me, answered questions, given me REAL...

No News is Good News!!!

 I've been MIA from the blog because I. have. nothing. to. write. about!  That's a good thing!!!  Things are going well!  The school year is in full swing.  Routine is such a GOOD thing for me....if only I could force myself to get into a routine during the summer because I DO also like not working.  I'm rowing 3 times a week.  I'm thinking about planning for my absence in December- mostly about what I need/want to get in before I go, and have ready for when I get back.  I have a good lead on a super-qualified music sub....which has made me feel a lot more peaceful about everything (maybe now worrying they'll want to keep her😍)...more on that once it's official.  :-). 

Land Down Under

That's certainly a CRUDE title...but it made me giggle as I wrote it.  (I would blame it on the 13 year old I live with rubbing off on me....) Wednesday was our first early out of the school year.  I tried to get as many appointments taken care of BEFORE school started so that I could be present during PD and not have to write sub plans.  When I met with my OBGYN about my hysterectomy consult, she'd told me to call and get on the schedule, and said I could always cancel if needed.  WELLLLLL....I tried that but ended up having to make an appointment to sign. consent. forms.  Really?  A quarter day to sign forms?  Yup.  AND she made me step on the scale and have my blood pressure taken.....for forms.  ANNOYED.   I did ask if the cramping I've been experiencing could be from the Lupron and Anastrozole, and Dr. Masse said, "hmmmmm.  Not usually.  When's the last time you had an ultrasound?"  LORD.  "14 years ago."...


Last week was normal.  As I wrote last Sunday, I hadn't had a "normal" week with no doctor appointments or early out schedules since the last week in FEBRUARY!  That's a long time.  Routine is good for me.  I felt good, I enjoyed doing my thing.  Brookview is a little smaller this year, and I'm taking that as a gift, at a time when I need my schedule to be kind to me.  Susan taught us an amazing parachute routine that I, in turn, taught to my 3rd, 4th and 5th graders during their second music class.  I think it brought us all A LOT of joy.  As did my new beet Squishmellow for the younger kids. My goal, right now, is to row 3 times a week.  I rowed on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday after school.  It helped me have more energy and stay out of the pantry (after school is my witching/binging hour).  Wednesday I had a WEA meeting, and Friday Jason and I met for happy hour.  Friday I was also in bed at 7PM!  That might be a new re...