
Showing posts from July, 2024

July's Cocktail of Choice

 People who know me well know that my love languages are food (SHOCKER if you read 42! ) and words of affirmation.  I like to know if people think I'm doing a good job...I like a back pat.  Apparently I even like a back pat from medical professionals during radiation! I was worried about radiation burns from the beginning so have been religious about skin care.  I've gone with clean skin- no moisturizer, lotion or deodorant before.  Luckily my appointment is always at 11 and I'm not working, so I've only smelled myself twice...😅 I started the month with Goldbond Healing(recommended by the radiologists) and Lume (as I'd also read/heard that the aluminum in antiperspirant can mess with radiation skin reactions). I had a dermatologist appointment right after I started radiation and they recommended Biafine.  Biafine is French, you can get it on Amazon, but it took awhile.  Had I known, I would have visited a French pharmacy, but I think it will be a stap...


 Today I turned 42!  I wanted to eat good food, relax with no plans and finish my book.  Sometimes I build my birthday up like a New Years Eve celebration and then am disappointed with too high of expectations.  None of that this year.   I'm going to say the "party" started Sunday, at drumming when we toasted airline bottles of Screwball. Then it continued yesterday with the Aunties as we had Mich Ultra and Scotcharoo Day (among other things). Today Nolan and I slept in despite Ally's best attempts at guarding our corner (she and I have been fighting since). We had La Mie croissants with Nutella for breakfast.  Then I had radiation 12/20!  I'm 3/5 done!  I did take birthday treats...though I didn't eat any of THOSE... I stopped at Starbuck's on the way home, about the time Amanda, TJ and fam were arriving in Phuket, and had then Ham and Cheese croissants from La Mie for lunch.  (Judge away people, the list isn't complete.....).  Bet...


 I've learned a little about geography in the last few months.  And that Phuket, Thailand is pronounced "poo-ket," NOT how it looks...although I may have referred to it as that a few times.   About the time I was getting a cancer diagnosis my school bestie was getting hired to teach art at UWC Thailand in Phuket!  She has talked about teaching over seas as long as I've known her. (12 years). I am so proud of her and TJ for finding jobs in an interesting place, taking a risk, sharing their talents and being brave.   It was so strange missing the end of the year knowing that she won't be there when I START the year, but we've spent some quality time together this summer.  It's time for their adventure to begin!  We've created an Art/Music Collab Google Doc to communicate with, and I've downloaded WhatsApp.  We've laughed about Face-timing as one of us gets to school with the 12 hour time difference.  It's going to be okay, not the sam...

ME! 2.0

 Today was much better. Radiation was fine, I visited with Dr. Bodine about show choir and accompanying which is a super fun conversation to have topless, with a man I will most definitely run into at every concert my child has from now until graduation.  HA!  🥸. Oh, we also talked about how my boob looks good.  HA!  9/20 done! I returned to ISEA Summer Conference in time for the Celebration of Excellence Awards Luncheon.  The Waukee Equity, Inclusion and Support Facebook Group that I helped nominate was chosen for the ISEA Friend of Education Award.  It was so fun to be in attendance while they accepted this VERY deserving award. I was also honored with an award, or a runner up of an award.  It's hard for me to accept teaching awards because this isn't a solitary profession.  I am who I am because of who I surround myself with and who has imparted their wisdom upon me thus far.  Alas, it was lovely.  And every educator deserves to...


 Sadly I'm not talking about the Taylor Swift song, although I'd probably come across better if I were! Let me be clear.  July was supposed to be about me.  🤷.   I'm being sarcastic......ish. Radiation after vacation for four weeks AND my birthday.   Today I woke up to a text from Jason with pictures from camp of the grossest bug bites ever on Nolan's legs.  (And here I was preaching before camp about rifle and archery safety.) They went to the health lodge, who sent them to urgent care.  Just what every mama wants to hear.  The doctor doesn't think he was attacked by some venomous bug, just that he's hypersensitive to the bite.  This happened last year after an infected-bug-bite-itching-incident...although that involved a fever, since then I've monitored several bites, but NONE looked like these.  He's currently bandaged up with various ointment and on an oral antibiotic, AND we get to see his doctor on Monday morning. While ...

2 Months....

July 15.  Exactly 2 months since surgery, a little over 3 months since diagnosis and my 6th radiation.  It's all still a little surreal! I also don't know that I've ever been as excited for Fridays in the summer as I felt last Friday and I assume I will feel the next 3!  Radiation becomes a job...with no pay...  Nolan and I went to Despicable Me 4 after radiation, and started packing for Boy Scout Camp. This weekend I drummed with much of my Whispers drum crew and Master Drummer Bolokoda Conde.  It was joyful, energizing and invigorating!  I am SO glad I went.  Sunday was a little harder...and my hands hurt, but still wonderful. Saturday I also attended Amanda and TJ's final farewell...but I'm not ready to write about that quite yet.... Jason and Nolan left for BSA Camp Geiger on Sunday Morning, so I've been watching movies on Netflix and finally putting the house back together.  I had the kind of amazing nap today that makes me wonder if I'll sle...


 1/5 done with radiation.  Yesterday I was a grump.  Radiation was fine, but I was just pissed off that this is my July 2024 story.  I did have my second therapy session...which was good, but I really wanted to not cry in front of her until at LEAST the 4th session...and I failed.   I'm struggling with feeling sorry for myself, while STILL knowing how lucky I am compared to many.  I am counting down the days of radiation because I want it to be over, but that means I'm also counting down the days of summer which I DON'T want to be over! I was given permission, which I'd kind-of already granted myself, to take it easy this month, give myself grace, and treat myself.  (I need to find treats other than food....oi.) Last night my treat was hanging out with The Aunties.  It definitely improved my mood!  Talking about everything and nothing.  It's my favorite!  The thought occurred to me once to not drink while doing radiation...but ...


 One tenth done with radiation!  Today was quicker, my appointment was at 11 and I was out the door by 11:12.  The two things that have caught my attention at the cancer center the last two days are: How thick the door is that they shut when they leave me in the room and keep themselves safe from the radiation.  How bad is this for my body?  How old and sick other patients seem to be who I've seen coming and going.  I haven't really thought 41 seemed young until this whole diagnosis.  Where are the people my age?  Healthy?  Why me!? I also had the pleasure of having my yearly skin check at the dermatologist this morning.  It seems like half of the city has seen my chest, yet having to stand in front of the dermatologist in by bra and undies is what I dread more!?!?  BUT wait...because of radiation I'll also get to show HIM my boob!  (Radiation can act like extreme sun exposure, coupled with my mom's history of melanoma in situ....

1 Down, 19 to Go....

 We're back!  We got home from the most amazing trip last night at about 6PM.  We slept 11 glorious hours, took Nolan to his 13 year old physical (they start the "turn your head at cough" at 13 apparently), and then I had my first radiation treatment! I laid down for a cat nap that turned into a nap nap, with an incorrect alarm...thankfully Jason woke me up and I ended up only being about 5 minutes late.  I always preach about good first impressions though, so that was kind of mortifying.  Anyway, I thought I would feel something or see something and I didn't.  I put on a gown from the waist up, and laid on a hard, sheet covered platform.  They rubber banded my feet together and adjusted me using my tattoos.  Then they left through the thickest door I've ever seen.  I thought there would be lasers or a zapping noise and I would feel burning.  HA!  How wrong I was.  They had 80s music on, a really cool light-up ceiling, and the ...